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Insert Corny Headline Here!

Greg Ferro

“Restraint equals indulgence.” I often think of this phrase from Barbara Kingsolver’s novel Animal Vegetable Miracle. It explains so much of the simple happiness in our lives. Take, for instance, vacation. How amazing does it feel to escape after many months in a relentless routine?

When it comes to corn, I’ve shown quite a bit of restraint since last fall. The past few weeks have been especially challenging. Like a puppy waiting by the window for his family to return home, I was growing restless for fresh, local farmers’ market corn.

Restraint has finally given way to indulgence. Corn has come home to the Downtown Milford Farmers’ Market.

Nothing says summer like local corn fresh off the stalk. Every part of the experience is to be savored. Husking it in the grass as you talk with friends. Sipping wine as it sizzles on the grill. The sweet squirt that comes with the first bite. Simply served with farmers’ market burgers and salads, and you have a localized cookout that you can only create this time of year.

Our corn is picked in Branford as the sun rises the morning of the market, loaded on to the back of Vaisuo Farm's pickup truck, then unloaded to you. Bring it to a cookout Saturday evening and you can brag that it was on the stalk just a few hours ago!

This weekend, indulge in some fresh, local corn from the Downtown Milford Farmers’ Market. You absolutely deserve it after so much restraint. Saturday, 9 to 1, 58 River Street.

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