After a chaotic week, we can all use a few laughs this weekend. Your farmers market friends are ready to laugh, too. The market may be just may be the place to chuckle past a wild week and stroll into a calmer weekend.

Saturday will be a quiet weather day. The sun should occasionally peak out. It will be comfortable for August, with temperatures in the 70s and low humidity. A light southerly breeze will swirl through the market. Accompanying the weather will be the soft sounds of Billy Ruegger. A solo guitarist, Billy Ruegger will play the market all morning long. “Here Comes the Sun” is on the list.

Due to the impacts of this week's tropical storm, we do not expect Clover Nook Farm and River Crest Farm to attend. They are both sorry that they cannot be with you this weekend. Vaiuso Farms, however, will be on site with tables full of their homegrown produce. Chris’ tomatoes will make their seasonal debut. There will be quite the variety, including cherry, plumb, and beefsteak. His greens will continue to make a hearty appearance. On Saturday you’ll find at least six varieties of lettuce, two types of kale, and a personal favorite of his – broccoli rabe. Oh, and who could forget the corn? Last week it was good enough to eat raw right off the cob.

Along with the sweet harvest will come some savory offerings from the Lobster Tail Food Truck. Cooking on site this Saturday, Jenn and her crew will serve up more than just lobster rolls. Rumor has it that lobster poutine and grilled cheese is on the menu.

Take a stroll at the market and laugh you way back into the sweetness of summer. 9 to 1230...Wasson Field...Saturdays simply belong here.
Saturday, August 8th
More clouds than sun. 70s and comfortable humidity.
Live Music: Billy Ruegger
Food Truck: Lobster Tails
Expected Tents
Vaiuso’s Farm – A large variety of veggies, herbs, and flowers.
Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm – CT-raised beef, pork, turkey, chicken and fresh eggs.
Prepared Foods:
Dash n’ Drizzle – Oils and spices.
Oronoque Farms Bakery – Cookies, cider donuts, and a variety of pies.
Wild Women Coffee – Cold brew, several hot brews, and fresh beans.
Renewal by Anderson
Sabatino Chiropractic
Home Goods and Gifts:
Color Street
Ridge Runner Soaps
Milford Rocks
